The Comic Book Artist

The Comic Book Artist
White Rabbit Series
Directed by: Gil and Ann Opferman
Produced by: Patty Lanser, Barb McKean, Fred Wassell
April 16-18 & 23-25

Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry

The second of the season’s White Rabbit shows, brings the incredibly popular comic-book genre to life as Stanley Leonardo Sappovitz creates his team of superheroes to conquer the dastardly super-villian.  This show promises good versus evil, a few surprises, and a lot of fun for the entire family.

About the Show:

A blaze of blue, a crash of crimson, a gleam of gold-the heroes of comic books bounded, flew, and swung into our hearts and minds from richly-covered covers under titles that hinted at unparalleled excitement; Super. Fantastic. Amazing. Invincible. Incredible. 

These heroes are complicated……and human. They have secret identities, crusade for justice, but in their real lives, may be a nerd troubled by an ailing aunt and constant money problems. They have tempers and sometimes make mistakes. Sounds like a lot like us-sort of-except without super heroes and a cool costume.

These super heroes have it all-adventure, battles between good and evil, big egos, super powers, intelligence, and the list goes on. They also tell a great story filled with drama, excitement, humor, and FUN!. Sounds like the perfect thing for a play and it is.

Narrator                    Forrest Sterling
Stanley                     Seam Wesp
Mr. Wunderman        John Moranski

Artists                      Fran Byers
                               Melissa Sterling
                               Lilly Park
                               Josh Meador
                               Kasey Norman
                               Courtney White
Viola                        Hailey McNamara
Dr. Shock Clock         Alex Edwards
Minutos                    Jimmy Reimer
                               Michael Thomas
                               Lyndsey Norman
                               Austin Duffie
                               Kynzie Ashbaugh
Star Guy                   Patrick Sossman
Triple Time               Dalton Konneker
Blossom                    Peyton Tosh
Wombat Woman        Katie Kauffman
Police Persons           Steve Button
                                Fran Byers
Kids                          Kate Moranski
                                Ciara Knapp
                                Liam McParland
                                Michael Donelan
                                Emily Wilkerson
                                Kelsey Cour
                                Kassie Fuiten
                                Lindsey Finnel
                                Aspen Haberman
                                Bailey Smith
                                Bailey Clark
                                Kristen McAllister
                                Ivan Ramirez
                                Gavin Caruso
                                Sam Kauerauf
                                Vince Eller