The Comic Book Artist
The Comic Book Artist
White Rabbit Series
Directed by: Gil and Ann Opferman
Produced by: Patty Lanser, Barb McKean, Fred Wassell
April 16-18 & 23-25
Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry
The second of the season’s White Rabbit shows, brings the incredibly popular comic-book genre to life as Stanley Leonardo Sappovitz creates his team of superheroes to conquer the dastardly super-villian. This show promises good versus evil, a few surprises, and a lot of fun for the entire family.
About the Show:
A blaze of blue, a crash of crimson, a gleam of gold-the heroes of comic books bounded, flew, and swung into our hearts and minds from richly-covered covers under titles that hinted at unparalleled excitement; Super. Fantastic. Amazing. Invincible. Incredible.
These heroes are complicated……and human. They have secret identities, crusade for justice, but in their real lives, may be a nerd troubled by an ailing aunt and constant money problems. They have tempers and sometimes make mistakes. Sounds like a lot like us-sort of-except without super heroes and a cool costume.
These super heroes have it all-adventure, battles between good and evil, big egos, super powers, intelligence, and the list goes on. They also tell a great story filled with drama, excitement, humor, and FUN!. Sounds like the perfect thing for a play and it is.
Narrator Forrest Sterling
Stanley Seam Wesp
Mr. Wunderman John Moranski