Merrily We Roll Along Auditions
Auditions for STC’s Merrily We Roll Along will be held at the Hoogland Center for the Arts on Saturday October 21st.
Director: Carly Shank
Auditions will be held on Saturday, October 21st in small groups of 5 auditionees. Callbacks, if necessary, will be held at 3pm.
Auditionees will choose a time slot for your audition. Auditionees are asked to prepare a 30 second selection that shows off their vocal abilities. Merrily We Roll Along MUSIC CUTS are available upon request, but any song is fine.
After singing there will be cold readings from the show.
Call-backs, if needed, will be scheduled for 3 pm.
FRANKLIN SHEPHARD: Vocal Range: Natural High Baritone to F#. Plays ages from early 20s to mid-40s. Handsome, charismatic, and charming, he is one of the movers and shakers. This composer-turned-Hollywood- producer barrels forward, climbing the ladder of success – perhaps leaving a few people behind in the dust. He exudes suave confidence, but is deeply sad and flawed.
MARY FLYNN: Vocal Range: Two Octave, from F below middle C to the F two octaves higher, Plays ages from early 20s to mid-40s. A successful novelist-turned-critic who is hopelessly in love with Frank. Having an excessive personality, this sardonic softie goes from a caring, optimistic friend to an embittered alcoholic. Fiercely loyal and quietly reminiscent, Mary implores the boys to forget their differences and get back to the good ol’ days. She is the support system, perhaps at the expense of her own well-being.
CHARLES KRINGAS: Vocal Range: Natural High Baritone to G. Plays ages from early 20s to mid-40s. Easily-agitated and stubborn, he is passionate almost to the point of a fault. Charley is more comfortable in his own artistic bubble than in being out on the town doing the “business” of show business. This playwright is constantly fighting for things to go back to the way that they were. Rarely budging, he can be quite the hot-head.
BETH SPENCER: Vocal Range: Soprano who must have a solid chest/head mix (A3 – G5). Plays ages from early 20s to early 30s. Once a Midwestern hopeless romantic trying to make her way in NYC, she becomes the breadwinning wife who longs to settle down and live a “normal” life. She is feminine, but strong. Naïve and tense. At the core of Beth is a set of good, moral values that she holds on to very tightly – which is reflected in her unforgiving honesty. She is Frank’s champion.
GUSSIE CARNEGIE: Vocal Range: Big Broadway belter (G3 – C5). Can play slightly older than Frank, Mary, and Charles. An unapologetically narcissistic Broadway star who absolutely thrives off of attention. This secretary-turned-star is flamboyant to the point of insensitivity, feeling empowered by her own ingenuity. She is certainly talented, but also incredibly resourceful. She never changes herself, just the people around her. Gussie is ruled by her impulsive, rarely satisfied, and often unattainable desires.
JOE JOSEPHSON: Vocal Range: Baritone(G3 – C5). Can play slightly older than Frank, Mary, and Charles. A big-talking producer whose business-smarts are unparalleled in the commercial theatre. Probably smokes a lot of cigars. His marriage to Gussie castrates him, and Gussie’s leaving him sucks him dry. He ends up poor, pathetically begging for a handout from his ex-wife.
FRANKIE SHEPARD (5-8 yrs old): Son of Beth and Frank. Energetic and eager to please. Innocent. Should sing well.
ENSEMBLE (10-15 M/F of varying ages): Aside from the above listed roles we require an additional 10-15 versatile actors to play a variety of roles with solos and speaking parts and to act as the chorus who sing the Merrily transitions.