Miscast Cabaret
Show Dates: May 13-15, 2022 (RESCHEDULED DATES)
Sponsored by The Stewart Law Firm, P.C.
Directed by Craig Williams II
Musical Direction by Damien Kaplan
The category is: gender swap!
Watch what happens with we mix things up a bit and gender swap some of your favorite musical theater songs. This is your chance to listen as some of STC’s finest performers breathe new life into some new and classic Broadway songs. The result of our experiment is certain to be humorous, breathtaking, and spectacular. You won’t want to miss this one weekend only show!
Wes Bridges
Chrissy Groetzenbach
Jakob Hankins
Kevin Hart
Devin Michael Leming
Hannah Levin
Chrissy Mauck
Daniel Maughan
Betsy O’Brien
Lawrence C. Perko
Lizzie Roehrs
Linda Schneider
Mary Kate Smith
Dewayne Williams
Tiffany Williams
Matt Woodson