2009 - 2010 Performances
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
Disney's Beauty and the Beast Directed by: Jane Brownback Produced by: Jake Smith October 9-11 & 16-18 Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry This stage adaptation of the Academy Award-nominated animated film will feature a cast of 40-50 people, handmade...
The Laramie Project
The Laramie Project Directed by: Phil Funkenbusch Produced by: Steve Williams November 6-8 & 13-15 Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry Moises Kaufman’s drama draws on the reaction to the hate crime killing of gay college student Matthew Shepard in Laramie,...
Disney’s Geppetto & Son
Disney's Geppetto & Son White Rabbit Series Directed by: Craig Williams II Produced by: Debbie Copp, Mindy Bockewitz December 4-6 & 11-13 Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry What happens after Pinocchio gets his wish and turns into a real boy? This...
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Importance of Being Earnest Directed by: Rebecca Loschen Produced by: Jim Leach Performances: January 15-17 & 22-24 Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry Oscar Wilde’s comedy of mistaken identities and deflated Victorian pomposity remains popular, well...
RENT Directed by: Carly Shank Produced by: Pam Brown February 12-14 & 19-21 Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry Newly available to community theater, Jonathan Larson’s rock musical is winning a new generation of fans, most born long after the late ‘80s,...
The Foreigner
The Foreigner Directed by: Patrick O'Brien Produced by: Kelly Bassett Performances: March 12-14 & 19-21 Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry About The Show: THE FOREIGNER is a laugh-out-loud comedy about a painfully shy Englishman named Charlie, forced to...
The Comic Book Artist
The Comic Book Artist White Rabbit Series Directed by: Gil and Ann Opferman Produced by: Patty Lanser, Barb McKean, Fred Wassell April 16-18 & 23-25 Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry The second of the season’s White Rabbit shows, brings the incredibly...
Company Directed by: Ed MacMurdo Produced by: Mac Warren May 7-9 & 14-16 Production Photography by Donna Lounsberry About the Show: Company was originally an evening of eleven one-act plays George Furth had written for actress Kim Stanley; some of the plays...